Monday, May 11, 2009

Ultimate Weapon; Shannon McKenna

Ultimate Weapon is the sixth book in the McCloud Brothers series. I had not read any of the previous books, and after having read this book nor do I think I will.

The hero, Valery Janos, is undercover, trying to find a way to deliver a Miss Tamara Steele to his client. The heroine, Tamara Steele, is an ex gun-for-hire mercenary who wants a new life with her new special-needs adopted daughter. Val and Tam collide and their world heats up with quite a few blazing passages while they attempt to come to terms with their past so their future might stand a chance.

This was an ok book for me...when I was younger, I was quite the fan of novels whose love scenes were explicit and steamy, but these days they almost make me uncomfortable. Also, many times I would just want the story line to get on with it, and McKenna would take forever expounding on her characters' thoughts. I'm not sad I read this book, but I won't go hunting out her other works.

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